4Ever Broadway last night - Opening Night at the Herbst -
OMG - We did it!!!
Seriously - we did it! I am so so sleepy now and it's so late, but there's a little rascally dascal in my head that's buzzing around! Time to Blog! I want to celebrate all the joy and excitement from my show on Saturday night, mixed in with the cozy family-vibe of my recital on Friday and a heart-warming service this morning to top it off! Wiki is snoring quietly next to me, my parents just got on a flight back to WI, my tyboy is with Mama Christine in their 5-star tribal hut, my fridge is full of fresh choy, snowpeas, and dim sum... what more could a girl want? Well... if you really wanna know... there's always more - more dreams, more wishes, more desires...! I feel so blessed to know so many inspiring and talented people - they are all teaching me so so so much about singing, dancing, living and laughing. I feel so so grateful for the support from my family, mom & dad, Cha & Ralph, Keith & Amy, Nikki & Pat, Susan, Ty & Mama C (in march!). And one more thing before I fly to dreamland, to Grandma Miller: you've been my Grandma with a capital G since the day I was born, you fill my childhood memories with sunshine and gumdrops and bluegills and pickles, and I love you so much and I know you are safe and protected.
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