Monday, May 8, 2017

Seussical - Then & Now - New Director for MSTDA Youth

Now: Mr. & Mrs. Fadner with a mini Fadner 
Then: Mr. & Mrs. Mayor with the Cat in the Hat

Please allow me to flashback to when Jonathan and I first starting dating a few years ago.

... We were both in "Seussical the Musical" at Berkeley Playhouse...

Kimbirdlee the aerialist

Hangin' out...
Jonathan trying to do silks :D
Happily ever after!

I was all into my aerial dance and performing and flying all over the place.  Loving everything ... surrounded by a wonderful community of crazy and lovable west coast theatre people ... Then we had Jackrabbit, got married and moved to NYC.  I have so much to be thankful for - my family, my two amazing boys, our own NYC theatre company (Common Man Musicals), and a home to live in.

But you know when you miss something so much that you can't really talk about it.  Berkeley Playhouse was a place that I have always missed since moving to NYC.  And now I am beaming to tell you how thrilled and grateful I am to have been welcomed into a new theatre family with Main Street Theatre & Dance.  Kristi and Jackie introduced me to the families and folks there as their new director for the children's theatre company!  I am going to be filling the shoes of the fabulous Jackie Lucid-Cusick and CAN NOT WAIT!

On the stage of Seusical at Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance 5/8/17

Happy Audience!
 Last night was the second to last performance of their youth group's Seussical!  
Jonathan was the Musical Director! 

Jonathan Fadner and Manda Leigh Blunt

Jackie Lucid-Cusick with Jonathan and Charlie

"I'm a rockstar!"

Bravo!!!  Executive Director - Kristi Towey