Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Double Princess Day!

This princess thing is way too exciting for me, so I simply must share!
Dreams came true in a double princess day yesterday.


Starting out with a Pocahontas appearance, I was invited to sing for a recital on the gorgeous stage at Adelphi University.  I sang "Colors of the Wind" while a young piano student played the piano, and a 6 yr old Pocahontas danced her way into everyones' hearts.  It was adorable.  Jonathan was there supporting with his guitar.


Meanwhile... backstage... the boys were chillin' like rockstars. 


This video is sideways, but I can't help sharing the moment. 

Following this princess appearance, I did a quick-change into Jasmine.  
Jasmine was accompanied by some fierce Legoman guys - Emmett and Kai, the red ninjago. 

This fantastic crew was complete when their amazing big yellow dog read them Halloween stories.

More Princess fairytales to come soon ... xoxo ~ Kimbirdlee

Friday, June 16, 2017

Meet the Common Men & Women of "You Can Always Come Home"

proudly presents it’s second cabaret in the newly established cabaret series:
“You Can Always Come Home”

8pm 548 Main St (Howe Theatre), Roosevelt Island, NY, NY, 10044
June 17th, 2017 8:00 pm

Meet the creative common men and women team:

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Manda Leigh Blunt Joan Cusick Russ Cusick Kimbirdlee Fadner

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Ruthy Froch Matthew Stoke Thomas Slater Erica Wilpon

Jonathan Fadner Marella Martin Koch Minhui Lee Lee Summers
Mellisa Miles Jacinth Greywoode Casey O’Neil Noemi de le Puente

Laura Barati Bill Nelson S. Dylan Zwickel Rick Bassett

Jaime Lozano Joshua H. Cohen        Zackry Childers

David Kornfeld


Brad Ross
Joe Keenan
Alex Higgin-Houser
Austin Nuckols

Monday, May 8, 2017

Seussical - Then & Now - New Director for MSTDA Youth

Now: Mr. & Mrs. Fadner with a mini Fadner 
Then: Mr. & Mrs. Mayor with the Cat in the Hat

Please allow me to flashback to when Jonathan and I first starting dating a few years ago.

... We were both in "Seussical the Musical" at Berkeley Playhouse...

Kimbirdlee the aerialist

Hangin' out...
Jonathan trying to do silks :D
Happily ever after!

I was all into my aerial dance and performing and flying all over the place.  Loving everything ... surrounded by a wonderful community of crazy and lovable west coast theatre people ... Then we had Jackrabbit, got married and moved to NYC.  I have so much to be thankful for - my family, my two amazing boys, our own NYC theatre company (Common Man Musicals), and a home to live in.

But you know when you miss something so much that you can't really talk about it.  Berkeley Playhouse was a place that I have always missed since moving to NYC.  And now I am beaming to tell you how thrilled and grateful I am to have been welcomed into a new theatre family with Main Street Theatre & Dance.  Kristi and Jackie introduced me to the families and folks there as their new director for the children's theatre company!  I am going to be filling the shoes of the fabulous Jackie Lucid-Cusick and CAN NOT WAIT!

On the stage of Seusical at Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance 5/8/17

Happy Audience!
 Last night was the second to last performance of their youth group's Seussical!  
Jonathan was the Musical Director! 

Jonathan Fadner and Manda Leigh Blunt

Jackie Lucid-Cusick with Jonathan and Charlie

"I'm a rockstar!"

Bravo!!!  Executive Director - Kristi Towey