Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adventures in Kimbird-Land!

At last!  I have the chance to give you the latest updates from The Adventures in Kimbird-Land!

Last I checked in, I was heading to the Dragon Fest and Not-so-Silent Auction for Garfield Elementary.  It was quite the event!  Located on the border of Chinatown and North Beach, swarming with children and their families', and full of energetic buzz.

My painting of the "Yin and Yang Dragon" went home with a community member named Kitty Kao - amazing name - who wanted to check out the Fund Raiser because she saw the Dragon poster that I designed hanging up at her local laundromat.  Love it!

I had a good feeling that night, thinking about how my mom grew up in Chinatown and pondering the full-circle we have come.  It was there that she learned Chinese Brush Painting, never knowing where it would eventually lead us!  And trust me, I never knew I'd become a professional artist either.

Jonathan and I also taught music for a kids musical theater workshop held at Shotgun Theater in Berkeley on Saturday, April 20th.  We got to revisit the music of "Seussical the Musical" and see some brilliant little actors do their thing.

The last couple weeks have been swamped with Art Shows, first in Walnut Creek, then Mountain View (both through Pacific Fine Arts).  Those shows were fun in the sun.  Lots of people to talk to and share my passion about Chinese Symbolism, the Zodiac and the Elements.  Somehow dragons seem to be relevant in everything!

Last Saturday was a special little surprise - The Glenview Cottage Industry Exhibition - put on by our local neighborhood association and Judith Garland (another amazing name!).  It happened to be right across the street from our house at the Park Blvd Presbyterian Church.

Jackrabbit doing his bit - holding up the tent with all his mighty strength!
It was delightful being out there in my own neighborhood, meeting people, connecting... Only slightly ironic that we are moving now that things are livening up around Glenview.  I never believe in saying goodbye though, and will always have a home here in Oakland!  It's cool to walk through the neighborhood and catch a glimpse of a dragon hanging on someone's wall!!!  :D

This Saturday is yet another festival - the Asian Heritage Street Celebration outside by the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.  It's from 11am-6pm and full of fantastic performances, the World Market (where I will be) and tasty asian delectables!

Come join me in Kimbird-Land and have an adventure!!!