Friday, March 1, 2013

Episode 1: Artist & Vocalist, Kimbirdlee - #InspirationsTV by Oakland Digital (

Walking into ODALC in Downtown Oakland, on the border of Chinatown, was a breath of fresh air and a vision of vibrant color.  I didn't know what to expect, but I was excited to be invited as Shaun Tai's first guest for "Inspiration TV".  "Inspiration TV" is a Youtube series that highlights local Oakland-ers who are considered inspiring by the community.  So you can imagine, it is quite an honor for me!  As a singer, performer and artist who runs my own business, and a new mom, I constantly assess and reassess, plan and replan, question, doubt and search for the right path.  I am forever grateful to be living the life I do and to have people like you to share my songs and paintings with!

Year of the Water Snake

ODALC is doing great work to reach out to the community.  If you have a chance, you should definitely subscribe to their mailing list and follow the Youtube series!  I can't wait to see who the next guest is!!!

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