The amazing Jaja Bolivar invited our Forever Broadway Samba Ensemble to dance for a benefit birthday party for Alec Benafluor at this super-sweet club, LEVEL 26, in San Mateo on Thursday, April 1st. Michelle Parodi choreographed our number to "Mas que nada". The dancers are Jaja Bolivar, Michelle Parodi, Gerrad Bohl, Iris Smith, Jenna Davi, Shatese Stewart and Corinne Levy. All of us also performed at the recent San Francisco musical theatre extravaganza, "Forever Broadway", which had its encore performance on March 21st again at the Herbst Theatre.

That encore performance of "Forever Broadway" rocked! It was such a blast. The cast shrunk from about 80 "show people" down to 60. I had the awesome opportunity to step-up to a few roles I had understudied. My favorite, of course, was singing opera girl in "The Girl in 14G" with fabulous Jessica Payne and Monica Turner! YAY!!! My absolutely favorite new song - how lucky was that!??! Flying through neverland was fun, too! Kinda like how I'm flying in Ty's arms after the show!
I have to spend a moment to say how much I loved this experience. I was so inspired by the singing of superstars like Desiree Goyette, Jenna Davi, Monica Turner, Jessica Payne, Halsey Varadi, Chad Benjamin Potter and the beautiful dancing of Iris Smith! I mean, everyone was HOT, but I have to give props! ;)
My lovely loving family and friends so came out to support me that night! THANK YOU!!! Tyler and his mom, who flew all the way from Wisconsin. My girls: Jeanne, Bridget & Juliet! And my teacher and mentor, Susan Gundunas with her brilliant son Matthew! And, surprise surprise - a whole crew from the Fung Clan!!! Yay, Brenda, Chrissie and fam!!! I love you all so so much!
Now that things have settled down from that, I've right into my next adventure:
"WORKING the Musical" at A.C.T.
We started rehearsals yesterday. I'm super excited to be playing the role of the passionate waitress, Delores! There's more, too! I don't want to give too much away, though. You'll just have to come and see for yourself - the first two weekends of June.
Again, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such talented people. We are all each others' teachers. XOXOXOXO - kimbirdlee